True History about Israel – Amazing discovery
April 13, 2011de Yosef Yakov-Lev, el jueves, 06 de enero de 2011 a las 0:15
Shocking Discovery: Who is always behind killing Jews
Zion shall be redeemed through justice and her penitent through justness – Yeshayahu (Isaiah) 1:27
HaShem (God) provided His Nation with absolutely everything needed for the complete victory and for steady productive life, including great deal of miracles. But our arrogance, stupidity and idolatry to functionaries prevent us from seeing and using the assets kindly provided to us.
This unique work is not an opinion – clear facts, including factual miracles.
• 635-1920, Expected Serene Future: Since first Muslim came to Jerusalem, there was deep understanding and tight cooperation between Jews and Muslims. Probably it’s right time and place to explain to everybody that overwhelming majority of Muslims in Holy Land have always been NON-Arabic, including Muawiyah, Saladin, all Umayyads, Seljuqs, Turks, etc. You can find more details in my other works. Qur’an clearly refers to Torah as a Book of Light – see 5:44 for example. According to Qur’an, Jews are entitled to the Kingdom of Heaven – see 2:55, 2:47, 2:62, 3:33, 5:20. During bloody Crusader’s time Jews collected money for Muslims and supplied them with a lot of information regarding Crusader’s moves. At that time (till British intervention) Muslims behaved more generously than old Christians. Here is another example of a long-age no-contradiction relation between Jews and Muslims: any Muslim sheikh or mullah will eat Jewish kosher food without a smallest doubt, even today (but he is not allowed to eat meat prepared by Christians, whether you like it or not).
• 1900-s, The Criminal steps in: Both, Arabs and Jews were under Turkish oppression and Arabs clearly know that Palestine is the Jewish land, even according to Qur’an, say 5:20, 5:21 – see below. Therefore all communications between Arabs and Jews regarding Jewish Homeland in Palestine were in a very good shape, no contradiction. But Britain (similarly to its activities during the Crusaders time) blocked this very natural process. Turkey, traditionally having lots of British advisers, also participated in the blockage.
• 1903-08-14 – 1903-08-26: In a continuation of this blockade, British Secretary of State for the Colonies Joseph Chamberlain proposed British Uganda Programme instead of Palestine. All Zionists were against this exile, but they had to consider all the options to save Russian Jews from pogroms, slaughters and massacres. Theodor Herzl made it clear that this British Programme would not affect the ultimate aim of Zionism, but he announced it in Basel. By the way, the place was the Mau plateau in Kenya, not in Uganda.
• 1917-11-02, Balfour Letter: (the word “Declaration” is deceitful). After WW1 (even after 1914-11-09 speech) Britain could not blame Turkey for not-allowing Arab-Jewish Treaty on Jewish Homeland in Palestine. Arab-Jewish relationship was almost perfect, so Britain decided to jump on top of it. Goebbels learned that behavior from Britain and expressed it in such a way: “If you can’t kill some movement, you must take the lead in it!” So Britain proposed itself as a respectable volunteer to prepare a reference letter. Arabs and Jews did not see any problem in that reference and started using it exactly as a reference letter. That’s the true story of Balfour Letter.
• 1917 – present time: Britain is presenting this ordinary reference letter as the royal gift to the Jews and as an executive order. All the Jewish professionals stupidly repeat that extremely harmful disinformation. I’ll explain to you why it is so harmful for the Jews. Fist read the letter: it has no executive part, nothing but quite an ordinary reference letter with “declaration of sympathy” (yes, that’s all what could be corresponded to the word “Declaration”). Despite of these facts and based entirely on the disinformation repeated by the dull Jewish professionals, Anti-Semites use this quite ordinary reference letter as a fake proof of the rape of poor Arabs…
I hope it is understandable now that in order to win it is absolutely necessary to immediately remove this suicidal disinformation from all the Jewish textbooks, from all dull Jewish universities and from all Jewish stupid professional theses (dissertations).
Everybody should understand that Balfour Letter (which is not a declaration even by its form) is just a reference letter, based on the mutual agreement between Jews and Arabs. No place for pitiful stories about dirty rape or unfortunate Arabic kids.
There is no way to save Jerusalem and Israel unless we PROVE in international courts that we are NOT invaders, but the rightful owners of all Palestine! It could and should be done based on the cussently working Intrnational Law. NO OTHER WAY TO SURVIVE EXISTED.
Precisely this way to save Israel (the people and the property) is written in Torah directly, as the commandement unconditionally obligatory to everyone – see mitzvah # 237: . Unfortunately religious Jewish professionals refuse to learn and to fulfill Torah. Instead they perform idolatry to earthborn functionaries and to their deliriums.
Working hard days and nights for many-many years, I made a lot of tremendous discoveries and prepared everything necessary for our complete victory. This work is a good place to start your real education.
• 1919-01-03: The highest official Arab Delegation freely signed the Treaty on Jewish Homeland in Palestine . It stated that all Palestine belongs to the Jews and that Palestine could not be an Arabian State or an Arabian Kingdom. Arabs signed it with Zionist Jews, and there were no contradiction between Arabs and Zionists because Arabs clearly know that Palestine is 100% Jewish land. Even Qur’an mentioned that 15 times without a smallest doubt – see an example:
• 1919-01-18 – 1920-01-21: The Arab-Jewish Treaty on Jewish Homeland in Palestine was completely confirmed on the Paris Peace Conference and lately ratified by all the world nations via Treaty of Versailles, League of Nations Mandate, Treaty of Lausanne, etc. It’s the main foundation of the CURRENTLY WORKING International Law. Despite of this fact Britain keep spreading a lot of rumors allegedly this Treaty is invalid, but I have proved that it is still valid 100%.
• 1919-03-03: The chief of the Arabian delegation wrote: “We Arabs… look with the deepest sympathy on the Zionist movement. Our deputation here in Paris is fully acquainted with the proposals submitted yesterday by the Zionist Organization to the Peace Conference, and we regard them as moderate and proper. We will do our best, in so far as we are concerned, to help them through; we will wish the Jews a most hearty welcome home”.
• 1919-1920: Britain was deeply disconcerted that there is no place for its beloved “Divide and Conquer” doctrine. Febrilely Britain started to create all kinds of tensity. The first Governor of Jerusalem, Sir Ronald Storrs, was daring not even to hide this main British goal. He officially announced it: Jews “will form for England a little loyal Jewish Ulster in a sea of potentially hostile Arabism.” The dirty objective was clearly set, and Perfidious Albion (Britain) started planting terrorism all over the Holy Land.
• 1920-03-01: Britain organized Bedouin’s rebellion on the border with French Syria. As the direct result of this British action, Joseph Trumpeldor and seven other Jews were killed near by Tel Hai. All the professional textbooks and all the universities are cheating you again – Arabs have nothing to do with this action at all! Arabs were not even involved into terrorism activities yet, but Perfidious Albion does, as always…
• 1920-04-19 San Remo: I have to give you a short lecture with very unique true information because ALL the paid professionals, all their theses, all “recognized by the world professional degrees” are fooled with the forgery, which kills Jewish rights for Jewish land. Following is one of the essential pieces of the truth for which I had to spend many years of “one against the whole world” non-paid scientific research. Britain and France had critical problems with Red Russia. What was even more dangerous, they got too many perilous contradictions between themselves regarding Syria and Mesopotamia. Such critical contradictions had to be resolved without any more delays, so they arranged a conference. San Remo was chosen for its pleasurable April weather. Envoys had only a week total, so actual working time was even less. Therefore only the most critical problems were discussed. Italy and Japan was also invited, but they were very minor players. So Dalmatia was not given to Italy (assigned to Yugoslavia). Therefore Italy had to call itself “mutilated” and gave a lot of screaming, reminding its participation in Entente. So Trento, Trieste, Gorizia, Gradisca, Istria were do given to Italy. Japan got nothing despite of creating as much noise as it could… You got your first impression of what kind if busy place it was. But it’s only an introduction – we did not even touch the main points yet. There were no way to escape from making a decision of what to do with Red Russia. After a lot of conversations these Entente members decided to recognize Red Russia de-facto, but to continue the war with Communism using foreign armies, such as Polish army. The most complicated issues were around their deep contradictions regarding Syria and Mesopotamia… They did not even have time to work properly on the Treaty of Sevres, and therefore Turkey rejected it very easily.
Now you start understanding why nobody in San Remo even touched anything regarding Palestine – they had no time for that! Not to say that France had never been interested in Palestine. So they only mentioned it once in a very general form. That’s it. There is nothing regarding Mandate for Palestine in San Remo. There are still more than two years till the beginning of the work on the Mandate!
This dirty-filthy forgery about Mandate in San Remo is in use to present Jews as the illegal imperialistic hireling who stole Arabian land. Not only vendible British authors like Paul Johnson are used for that (he got US Presidential Medal of Freedom for such dirty betrayals of Israel); not only lawyers like Howard Grief (author of the book “The Legal Foundation and Borders of Israel under International Law”), not only “Office for Israeli Constitutional Law”, but even Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu is widely propagating this killing Israel fraud! See for example page 55 from his book, officially presented to all the world presidents, to all political parties and to all parliaments:
There is no way to win, been legally presented as an imperialistic hireling, occupant and invader!That’s why Israel keeps losing everywhere!
At the same time it is one well-known way to steal Jewish money, so all the paid professionals use it and fight with anything that may disturb their stealing. Israel will never win if you did not stop supporting these thieves, traitors and idiots (or they remorse under your strong pressing).
• 1920-s: Britain found the most terrible convicted felon, Mohammad Amin al-Husayni. He was well-known for his passion to slaughter Armenians and Jews. Britain illegally cleaned up his criminal record and decided to put this bloody felon in charge of Muslims in Palestine, whatever it takes.
• 1921: Britain brought this felon to Jerusalem and run a well-paid campaign to make him the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem. Despite of all the British support this felon completely lost the election – he fall
through to the last fourth place. That time Palestinian Muslims were yet peaceful and they clearly did not want a felon brought from nowhere.
• 1921: Completely against the Muslim’s will Britain make this ugly felon the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, setting up the bloody terrorism flow in Palestine. Lately, during WW2, this British henchman organized total and very frightful massacre of Slavs in Europe. For this “heroism” he became a very close personal friend of Adolf Hitler…
• 1922-07-24: Mandate for Palestine is created on the base of the Arab-Jewish Treaty, explained above. It has nothing to do with San Remo imperialistic collusions. So the Jews are the rightful owners of all Palestine without possibilities of any counterclaim. Holy Land got faultless future, but Britain immediately started spreading an extremely heavy disinformation about San Remo. Britain also planted total forgery stating that the Mandate is British. I have proved that the Mandate is not British but Jewish – see
• 1922-08 – present time: None of the Jewish lawyers or other Jewish professionals had enough brainpower and knowledge to uncover this disinformation (or all of them are the most harmful traitors of Israel – the choice is yours). Even today all of the professionals insist on this mortal for the Jews disinformation. Despite of the betrayal of all the professionals, despite of their malevolent confrontation, I was able to made tremendous discovery. I found Mandatory law and I proved that the Mandate for Palestine has always being Jewish, never British – see . Britain is only the agent to voluntarily hold all the responsibilities for establishing Jewish home in all Palestine. No ownership, no revenue, no benefits, no change to Jewish rights or to the Jewish land allowed for Britain.
• 1923-05-25: Britain feloniously stole 76% of Jewish land and gave it to the British spy in Turkish parliament Abdullah bin al-Hussein.
• 1927-03: Winston Churchill stated: “If I were an Italian, I would be a Fascist” – quoted from the Senate speech of Burton K. Wheeler, U.S. Senator from Montana – see “Vital Speeches of the Day”, vol. VII, pp.447-448, delivered in the Senate 1941-03-20.
• 1928-09-28: For the holiest day of Yom Kippur Jews placed very traditional lite customary screens (mechitzas) between Jewish men and Jewish women praying by the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem. Jews also brought benches and chairs for their women because it was the whole day pray. The Yom Kippur yielding pray of penitence could not create any trouble for other religions or nations, but British police started beating Jewish women with the benches and chairs they were sitting on. That’s how Britain performed the first big pogrom and organised the first big confrontation in Palestine.
• 1928-09-28: Right after this dirty provocation British gave command to their felon henchman, Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, to start big Anti-Jewish campaign (yes, he was rather quiet for seven years, preparing for this British command).
• 1928: As their own part of that maleficent Anti-Jewish campaign, British issued an edict that the Wailing Wall (the last remaining part of the Jewish Solomon’s Temple) is a Muslim property.
• 1929-08-15: During the fasting of Tisha B’Av (day of wailing for the destroyed Temple) Jews had a very peaceful approved meeting by the Wailing Wall. No complication was created by the Jews.
• 1929-08-16: Despite of the no-problem current status, on the very next day British once again organized beating of the Jews and burning of the Torah’s scrolls by the Wailing Wall. The British police post, established at that place just 10 days prior, was happy to laugh observing that barbarous vandalism against innocent Jews. No doubt British police got clear command not to interfere with the pogrom.
• 1929-08-16: The number of eye-witnesses was enormous, but British acting High Commissioner Harry Luke announced: “no prayer books had been burnt, but only pages of prayer books”. This wayBritain gave the green light for all the Anti-Jewish riots, and the main wave of bloody terrorism started.
• 1929-08-17: The following day young Sephardic Jew Abraham Mizrachi was stabbed with a big knife. He died in the throes on the next day. It is very symbolical that British interventionists and their henchmen started massive Jewish massacre from a local Jew who lived all his live in Jerusalem.
• 1929-08-18: The boy’s funeral was suppressed by the same force that had been employed in the massacre. The same British acting High Commissioner Harry Luke refuses to end the Anti-Jewish violence in Jerusalem.
• 1929-08-23: In less than a week all the criminals around Jerusalem received that clear British message, and thousands of them streamed to Jerusalem for a biggest pogrom ever. The Jews had to close and barricade their shops since 9:30 AM on that threatening day.
• 1929-08-23: The same British acting High Commissioner Harry Luke called his henchmen Grand Mufti of Jerusalem. Nobody knows what they were talking about, but in a result the Mufti leads the mob. He initiated the rumors that two Muslims had been killed by Jews. Muslims started attacking the Jews all over Jerusalem. The violence quickly spread throughout Palestine…
• 1929: Britain allowed 1764 Arabs and only 321 Jews in the British Police. Even so the Jewish policemen were ordered to stay in offices during these pogroms. While a number of Jews were being killed at the Jaffa Gate, British Police have done nothing to stop pogroms.
• 1929-08-24: British henchmen killed 67 Jews in Hebron, and Hebron’s Arabs saved 600 Jews. Arabs were so mush indignant of this massacre, so for the next two years none of Jews were killed by Arabs, but Britain continues to kill Jews on regular (for them) daily basis.
• 1929-08-27: By that day many dozens of Jews were killed in Safed, Motza, Kfar Uria, Hebron, Jerusalem and Tel Aviv. 17 Jews were killed only in the Jerusalem area; 67 Jews were killed in Hebron. Hundreds of Jews were badly wounded…
• 1929, Who are the true Palestinians: 59 football teams were registered in FIFA for Palestine. 11 of them were non-Jewish and none of the non-Jewish teams wanted to be called “Palestinian” because everybody knows – Palestine is 100% Jewish brand. Only Shimon Ratner’s all-Jewish team obtained the name “Palestine National Football Team”. You’ll see more on this throughout this work.
• 1930-10-01: British invaders issued Passfield White Paper, where illegally limited Jewish rights to go to the confirmed by all the nations Jewish land of Palestine. Many other Anti-Jewish illegal rules were established there.
• 1930: As I mentioned above, Arabs were so mush indignant of the Hebron massacre that they started actively protecting Jews, and for the whole year of 1930 not a single Jew was killed by Arabs. Only Britain continues to kill Jews regularly.
• 1931: Similarly, Arabs were so mush indignant of the Hebron massacre that they continue actively protecting Jews, and for the whole year of 1931 not a single Jew was killed by Arabs. Sure, Britain continues to kill Jews…
• 1934-03-14: All-Jewish Zionistic “Palestine National Football Team” arrived at the Continental hotel in Cairo. The official delegation of the Egyptian Football Federation came to warmly welcome Zionistic Palestinian team.
• 1934-03-16: Zionistic “Palestine national football team” played its very first international game in a friendly Egyptian-Sudanese capital Cairo. Arabic national orchestra was happy to play for the “Palestine National Football Team” the indisputable Palestinian national anthem – Jewish essential Zionistic song “HaTikva”! Muslims were 100% sure – only Zionistic anthem may represent Palestinians.
Unfortunately all the Jewish paid professionals, functionaries and politicians are bought over by Britain. Bought over for their “recognized by the world” diplomas and for corresponding huge salaries. None of them had enough brainpower to recognize and to protect essential Jewish legal assets, presented above. Without these key assets no fighter jets allow us to save Jerusalem.
Paid professionals always fight for administrative power and don’t have brainpower. Not only they can’t find out the truth, not only they don’t understand the source of the problems, but they can’t understand even already created REAL solution, the REAL cure, that is 100% ready for the victory – see .
Paid professionals only know “paid/non-paid” criteria, oversimplified slogans and permanent fighting for personal power, so called “Jewish Leadership” or “Strong Leader”. That has absolutely nothing to do with creating cure for the disease. Therefore doesn’t matter what they want or what they promise. Without real cure made by the real scientist, leaders can only lose each and every strategic battle. That’s why we keep losing our land, allies, positions in the world, essential legal assets, all the informational wars, our lives – everything…
• 1934-04-06: Jewish Zionistic “Palestine national football team” played its second international game. Egyptian Arabs was their contestant again. Therefore Tel-Aviv was chosen for the return game. Fuad I, the King of Egypt and Sudan, sent a warm salutatory telegram to the players of all-Jewish Zionistic Palestinian team.
As you can see now, hate for the Jews and big Arabian terrorism was not established in the Middle East yet. Anti-Jewish hate was known in the somnambular bloody Europe only. Soon Perfidious Albion will export it from Europe to plant it on the Holy Land.
• 1934-1948: British invaders thrown the rightful owners of the Jewish land into concentration camps, abusively build on the Jewish land. One of these concentration camps, namely Atlit, is still existed as a museum. You can go there and see that Britain was dared to establish and to operate chain of concentration camps for the Jews in Jewish Palestine. That was done completely illegally, but none of the Jewish lawyers had enough brainpower to discover the legal basis to call Britain into the courts to defend Jews and Jewish rights.
Here is the victorious legal basis: . Famous Ze’ev Jabotinsky and Menahem Begin were licensed lawyers, but they only played Boy Scout war games and violated their direct responsibilities (not to mention that Jabotinsky plaid Masonic and other games in Paris). Now with the discovered mighty weaponry we can save Jerusalem and Israel, but the Jewish paid professionals have no brainpower to support it. Jews only pursue brainless slogans and therefore lose one Jewish city after another.
• 1939: King George VI was very satisfied with the concentration camps for the Jews on the Jewish land. He wrote: “glad to think that steps are being taken to prevent these people leaving their country of origin”. He is talking about Germany and Poland, where Hitler already started his “Final Solution to the Jewish Question”. British king knows that in Hitler’s public speech on 1939-01-30 (the six year anniversary of his accession to power) Hitler clearly pronounced “the annihilation of the Jewish race in Europe!”.
• 1939-05-22: Britain issued MacDonald White Paper, where illegally limited Jewish rights on Jewish land to a level absolutely unheard-of before. British invaders already started hanging Jews…
• 1919-1939 and further: Britain occupational forces are completely responsible for all the assassinations of the Jews. Britain willingly built the terrorism system and consciously signed a dead sentence to the Jews.
• 1940-1946: Britain bombed ships with Jewish Holocaust survivors – see and my other articles.
• 1942-02-24: 768 Jewish Holocaust survivors, including 103 children, were martyred to death by Britain. These Jews escaped from Hitler on a ship named “Struma”. They only wanted to be alive, but British High Commissioner for Palestine Sir Harold Alfred MacMichael personally requested to tow them out of Bosporus back to the Black Sea. They were left to die without food, water and fuel…
• 1947-11-29: British university textbooks (all other textbooks are just a blueprint from these) planted sordid forgery namely “UN decision to create Israel”. Corrupted Jewish professionals are cheating you again. UN never made anything good to create Jewish state on Jewish land.
UN Resolution 181(II) only partition Jewish land in another illegal attempt to destroy Jewish rights for Jewish land. That’s all they have done in a completely illegal way, contradictory even to its own (UN’s) Charter. I have to give complete course of lectures regarding what was really done there and what should we do now to recover our essential rights. The problem is the paid Jewish professionals who are doing maximum possible not to let me to uncover the truth about their total betrayal.
• 1948-05-14: Jewish “super-professionals” put so many British perfidies into the Israeli Declaration of Independence, that David Ben-Gurion had to cut the text off, and everybody solemnly signed a completely empty piece of scroll. Lately Ben-Gurion had a big fight for less traitorous text. He won couple of important positions, but unfortunately even he (!) was unable to overcome all the British-poisoned paid professionals. Therefore current Israeli Declaration of Independence is still one of the biggest terrorist bombs, planted under the Jewish state. You can find more in my book or you can schedule my lectures for complete explanation about this matter and what should be done immediately to delouse the foundation of Jewish state.
• 1950: Britain and British Pakistan illegally recognized and pronounced Eastern Jerusalem as a Jordan territory. No other country besides Communistic Russia wanted to participate in such a defamatory activity.
• 1964 – 1967-06-10: Britain realized that even after the loss of approximately 85% of the territory, confirmed by the Arab-Jewish Treaty and by the Jewish Mandate for Palestine; even in the huge obstruction throughout the world, Israeli people still did not give up. Israelite are still ready for peace and for war.
• 1964 – present time: British Secret Intelligence worked very hard, and they found the way to beat Jews to the death. They decided that if Jews are so positive in their intellect, then they will be completely aidless to their stupidity. Britain started new campaign, based entirely on populism and idiotism of Israeli professionals and strong leaders.
Throughout stupid Jewish university professors Britain planted 100% disinformation that despite of well-known Palestinian Talmud, etc, the brand Palestinian is not Jewish. Britain counterfeited a story that brand Palestine was created by Romans in order to disgrace Jews. That is a very primitive rip-off, Romans called our land “Iudaea” and never replaced one local name with another local name, but stupid Jewish professionals and big mouth patriots are extremely happy to keep spreading this mortal Anti-Jewish plague. A lot of Jews were surprised with such a turn, a lot of jokes were made, but not even one Jew had brainpower to realize that the brand Palestine is the most powerful asset, acting in the legal documents – say, there is only Mandate for Palestine, no Mandate for Israel existed.
Therefore it’s absolutely irrelevant if nowadays we like Jewish brand “Palestinians” or dislike it. The essential Jewish property is directly assocoated with this brand in all the legal documents. Therefore we should have keep and protected this Jewish brand stronger than any bank or military base, but Jewish lawyers brainlessly rendered to enemies this most powerful legal weapon.
That’s how a new nation of phony owners of our land was created and officially recognised not by enemies, but by Israeli paid professionals! This mortal strategic defeat happened exclusively because of the stupidity of Jewish lawyers, professionals and strong leaders (jarheads).
The salvage of Jerusalem and Israel from new “owners” requires immediate withdrawal of the key legal asset “Palestinians” back to the Jews. It is required whether you like it or not! And don’t be surprised with your bad feelings – medical procedures are always not pleasant. Here is the recuperation manual: .
• 1990 – present time: Nobody else but Britain runs dozens of phony legal persecutions against Israel. Even “lefty” Tzipi Livni can’t now leave Israel because she afraid to get into the British jail. This way Britain paralyzed Israeli Army almost completely.
Silly Israel lawyers surrendered under this main problem. Now the needed legal solution for how to protect our army and our people from British persecutions is created and 100% ready for our complete victory , but disgraceful Israeli lawyers and leaders only trying to defame the Jew who created this REAL way to protect our army, our people and our homeland despite of the betrayal of all these Jewish professionals…
• 2010: Britain announced officially that the Queen is 100% ready to recognize Arab state on the Jewish land…
The decoy in war is a false target, say a wooden fake tank, specifically designed to be mistaken by bomber plane crews to be real. I have to give a complete course of lectures regarding various intellectual decoys used against Jews. Here are just few of the most popular decoys:
We don’t have Mandate for Israel. Only Mandate for Palestine existed. Therefore to yield up to the enemy our key legal asset “Palestine” is the worst betrayal ever. Jews, including a lot of Knesset members, must have lost their brain completely supporting such terrible decoys as “Jordan is Palestine”.
Many also like to say “I advocate that the hostile Arab population be repatriated to Jordan”. That is not just naive childish dream, but an extremely harmful decoy because for such repatriation we will never get an agreement with the King of Jordan, who hates these Arabs.
Only the most evil enemies support such decoys against Israel. That’s what “strong leasers” constantly do, because they all are stupid.
It is time to realize that the true leader, as the true doctor, is the one who is able to understand pathogenesis of the diseases and to fight the real sources of diseases. Not the one who is constantly talking about the most visible symptoms, say Arabian terrorist leaders. Propose killing terrorist leaders? Go and kill as many as you could. Keep killing them till you lose all your men. But tell me two things.
1) What’s the reason to amputate even the big toe,
if the whole leg is in gangrene?
2) What for have you lost our best men if a part of the gangrene is still there?
You say: “Then kill ALL the enemies, doesn’t matter how many hundreds of thousands of our soldiers will die”. First send your own kids to die. All of them… Maybe losing everything that you love will stimulate your brain to start thinking who ALL the enemies are. You have to realize that the main enemies are the Foreign Ministers of the European Countries and their somnambulistic Anti-Semitic nations who made the official decision that Jerusalem should be divided and turned into another Arab-Muslim capital.
If you can not kill all these enemies, then you have to shut up the big mouths of all politicians (that’s the easiest part – just boycott all of them and all elections). Then start using your brain and learn already created intellectual weaponry not to brush off symptoms (like hitmen and other cheap expendables), but to beat up the main enemy who run that bloody show – European Anti-Semites. That’s the only option to crash the backbone of the entire system of terrorism. Learn the manual very diligently: .
Start it immediately, while it’s not too late. First learn the true situation and the true history that was stolen from you by the traitorous and vendible paid professionals.
Without understanding of the situation, having no strategy whatsoever, jarheads (strong leaders) propagate the following statement regarding the way to win: “brutal oppression and force”. The key point is: try to prove it with the FACTS OF OUR VICTORY, not with any “opinion”. And don’t mix up crash of an army with the victory. Say, America crashed Iraqi army in a week, and FOR MANY YEARS don’t know what to do with such a “victory”… Also don’t mix up the victory we need with some tactical deviations.
While you are trying to find AT LEAST one fact to support your words, I’ll explain to you the real disposition.
Instead of deep thinking people are listening to big mouth figures, who have oversimplified catchwords, lots of observations, but no understanding whatsoever. They act in a delirium of their minds. That is very visible at least since 1973, but you close your eyes and your mind completely – anything and everything for the idolatry to jarheads (strong leaders).
Here is the adequate picture: In the current situation, when Arabs are no more than cannon fodder in a big bloody game of Europeans, any direct oppression of those cheap expendables not only can not bring us the victory, but ALWAYS creates fatal strategic losses for us. I’ll explain to you how we kill ourselves and our country just by following the oppression recommendations that you believe blindly.
Europeans don’t care about Arab’s lives (definitely less than we do), but as soon as we stick into that oppression shit, Anti-Semites use it against us, and they always smash us completely, because prior to now nobody was able to create any weapon against the REAL enemy.
European Anti-Semites pursue our soldiers and our Knesset members with the court orders and even sue them in criminal courts. Our best generals have to run away from the police like pickpockets. Israeli generals have to run in panic from their battlefields because Jews have never had a brain to realize who the real enemy is. Even after dozens of run away from that main enemy!
As soon as under command of a Strong Leader we start oppressing British cheap expendables (Arabs), the main enemies get an easy option to revoke European and other visas from all Israeli soldiers and citizens. If Europe does this to Israel, then all young people and half of the adults will run away from such a closed ghetto. Israel will be left without army and almost without Jewish citizens. Total collapse, kaput and bloody death of Israel in just a decade… That’s the only result available from “Strong Leadership”.
So not a strong leader is needed, but understanding of the disease and discovery of the cure. Scientific brain is required, not a jarhead. Don’t listen to the propaganda for idiots. We always have more than enough strong leaders. We are in a deep lack of brain.
Never before Israel got a brain to create weaponry against its strategic collapse coming via oppression of that British cheap expendables (Arabs). Never before Jews have a brain at least to realize who the main enemy is. That’s why each big forceful pressure put on local Arabs under “Right-wing Jewish Leadership” finally turns into suffering defeat of more and more Jewish land. Always. All paid professionals are cheating. The truth is quite opposite: All Jewish land was lost under Strong Right-wing Jewish Leadership ONLY!
The stronger Right-wing Jewish Leaders push local Arabs, the more frightening for Israel final result we got! Why? Because:
1) The main enemies stay absolutely intact;
2) They have more than enough of those cheap expendables;
3) The axe over the Jews grows with every push.
This way under Strong Jewish Leadership we have lost such primordial Jewish cities as Jericho, Shechem, Beit-Lechem, Hebron… We are losing our only Jerusalem right now, precisely by the Hebron scenario and under the same commander in chief – Netanyahu.
The mighty armament against the main enemy and against the backbone of terrorism system is created and 100% ready for the victory: . The problem is the professionals who can’t learn new sciences about complicated systems, even when these sciences are created already. Jews still don’t have brain to support the real cure and the only scientist who create intellectual weapon needed for victory. Jews keep screaming old oversimplified slogans that already throw us down into a very deep shit.
Titanic amount of research is performed. Tremendous discoveries are achieved; practical solutions and full size university courses are created. All professionals must take these courses to liquidate ignorance, but they don’t care – they care only about stealing the finance.
New sciences on information and on complicated systems are also created. Humanity has never had access to such a treasure! Only these sciences allow to make one person cleverer than whole Mossad (the proof is in front of you), cleverer than British Secret Intelligence, cleverer than KGB, cleverer than hundreds of institutions constantly spending billions of dollars on Middle East problems! First time in the human history we have real opportunity to improved brainpower drastically, and these courses are also ready for you.
The author is not immortal, and your descendants will accuse you in not picking up these most valuable new sciences. I can’t rape you, people, but I keep trying to teach you at least the solution to the most urgent and the most complicated problem: Salvation of Jerusalem and Israel. I hope some day I will have time to describe my tremendous discoveries in physics, in intellect study, in other sciences.
For the victory first we have to beat that Perfidious Albion by proving in the courts that all its acts of aggressions against Holy Land are illegal literally. I created perfectly unbeatable legal platform for that – see . In a big part it is based on the Mandatory law that I was able to discover.
I believe all the honest British citizens will understand that necessity, because it’s the only chance to save all the good things they have (see more in my book). My own world outlook was seriously improved from just one phrase that I heard from an old English gentleman in my high school time (on a TV, of course). He said: “Our history taught us not to trust our government just because it is government”. Well, it’s time for real English gentlemen to apply what they learned from their history.
Jews should have discovered legal platform to sue and to beat up Perfidious Albion long-long time ago. Unfortunately Jews did not have brain for that. But no doubt even today we yet can knock Perfidious Albion down and win – see the manual for the complete victory . It’s the only way to protect from massive British persecutions the soldiers who protect Israel, as well as the only way to recover all our legal assets and everything else.
We still can win. The only problem again is the idolatry the Jews perform on these paid professionals who are completely bought over for their “recognized by the world” diplomas and by corresponding to these diplomas huge salaries. Let them eat this money, stolen from the Jewish people. Please just stop believing to the idols who don’t even able to know our history, who do nothing but harm, who constantly reiterating all the traitorous British disinformation that kills Israel. Just stop believing into these disgraceful idols and give us a chance to save you and your beloved grandchildren.
As I briefly explained earlier, new very powerful adequate sciences about information and about complicated systems are created. Besides other tremendous achievements, these sciences allow to teach how to detect and uncover all other “Divide and Conquer” (Divide Et Impera) British attacks that are constantly coming. These and many other attacks that Israel can’t resist right now will not be dangerous any more as soon as you learn and master these sciences.
Complete courses on how to teach over all these Jewish professionals are prepared. It is possible now to decontaminate their brains, deeply poisoned by British Secret Intelligence Service forgeries. It is possible now to decontaminate and remove all the British forgeries and bombs planted into all university textbooks and into all professional examinational tests.
It is your call now, call of the Jews who want to use the last chance to save Jerusalem and Israel. You pay one of the highest taxes in the world, you pay a lot of charity money for Jewish needs. You have all the rights and all the power to decide how your money should be spent. All other good people who want Justice for the Holy Land can also support our very hard work for the real salvation of Jerusalem.
You have to stop the idolatry on all the functionaries (ironically called professionals) who are not only unable to solve the problems, but don’t even understand what is going on in Middle East.
Israeli Defense Minister already announced officially the strategic defeat and surrender: agreement to divide Jerusalem for the creation of another Arab-Muslim capital. And that’s just a beginning of total collapse of Israel. All because Jews have no brainpower, but flow of stupid slogans, catchwords and endless amount of constantly screaming and stamping Strong Leaders.
It’s time to clearly understand that all of the “professionals” are deeply poisoned from their school time. They were raised on multiple British Secret Intelligence Service forgeries that are mortal for the Jews. Therefore doesn’t matter what these “professionals” want, or what they are trying to do – in a result they are killing Jerusalem and Israel anyway. We see it clearly throughout the history. Netanyahu’s book is a very understandable example, and I have dozens and dozens of other examples how Israeli patriots kill and sink Israel (been positive that they work for Israel). Please also read my .
Don’t believe to all sweet promises endlessly coming from disgraceful politicians. Use your brain, not emotions because even if you like something, it could be the true source of your problems. You may like smoking, but it kills you. You may hate some medication, but it heals you. So to find the real way to the victory in a complicated situation we should be wise, not just go by what we like or dislike.
Unfortunately for us (who pay taxes, not consume them) all the government professionals go by primitive “like/dislike” approach. Therefore they are unable to understand the veritable source of the mortal problems that kills us. Instead of the battle for the truth, paid professionals only know “paid/non-paid” criteria. In a result they got money, but we lose. First we had lost 76% of the Jewish land. Since then, despite of the heroism of the people, we keep losing lives and cities. Since 1973 we have nothing but mortal strategic losses.
Even such primordial Jewish cities as Jericho, Shechem, Beit-Lechem, Hebron are lost. Our only Jerusalem, as well as all Israel, is on a dead road now. Precisely by the Hebron scenario: partition and deprivation; and with the same commander in chief, Netanyahu.
In order to survive we have to fight the disease, not symptoms. Therefore I teach you the epikrisis (the study and the history of the disease), the true enemy, and the cure. Here is the cure in details, short and sufficient: .
It’s useless to fight symptoms. We need to outsmart the disease. Immediately! We have our last chance to save Jerusalem and Israel. It is a must to immediately start supporting the REAL solution and the scientist who created all the real solutions as well as the new and very powerful sciences. Only these sciences allowed to uncover the truth presented above, and only deep knowledge in these sciences give us a chance to win.
Read it slowly and learn it deeply – it is not as easy as to scream stupid slogans and to idolatry political shamans with big mouths, tambourines and big sticks. It’s the real cure that requires brainpower.
Stop losing our resources and our best men listening to the brainless Strong Leaders. We are ready to vanquish the disease now! Support the real cure and the real scientist who created all the solutions and the new very powerful sciences. Do it immediately, while we have what to save. It’s our very last chance to save Jerusalem and Israel.
Yosef Yakov-Lev (c) based on my book ISBN 1448667615
Direct shortened link to this article:
Hebrew translation is available here:
I’m not a Qur’an advocate. I’m giving you the real way to stop murdering Jews!
Sure, it’s good for Muslims as well. So let it be good for them as well. We are good human beings – here is just an example that I saw few minutes ago:
Shocking Discovery: Who is always behind killing Jews
Zion shall be redeemed through justice and her penitent through justness – Yeshayahu (Isaiah) 1:27
HaShem (God) provided His Nation with absolutely everything needed for the complete victory and for steady productive life, including great deal of miracles. But our arrogance, stupidity and idolatry to functionaries prevent us from seeing and using the assets kindly provided to us.
This unique work is not an opinion – clear facts, including factual miracles.
• 635-1920, Expected Serene Future: Since first Muslim came to Jerusalem, there was deep understanding and tight cooperation between Jews and Muslims. Probably it’s right time and place to explain to everybody that overwhelming majority of Muslims in Holy Land have always been NON-Arabic, including Muawiyah, Saladin, all Umayyads, Seljuqs, Turks, etc. You can find more details in my other works. Qur’an clearly refers to Torah as a Book of Light – see 5:44 for example. According to Qur’an, Jews are entitled to the Kingdom of Heaven – see 2:55, 2:47, 2:62, 3:33, 5:20. During bloody Crusader’s time Jews collected money for Muslims and supplied them with a lot of information regarding Crusader’s moves. At that time (till British intervention) Muslims behaved more generously than old Christians. Here is another example of a long-age no-contradiction relation between Jews and Muslims: any Muslim sheikh or mullah will eat Jewish kosher food without a smallest doubt, even today (but he is not allowed to eat meat prepared by Christians, whether you like it or not).
• 1900-s, The Criminal steps in: Both, Arabs and Jews were under Turkish oppression and Arabs clearly know that Palestine is the Jewish land, even according to Qur’an, say 5:20, 5:21 – see below. Therefore all communications between Arabs and Jews regarding Jewish Homeland in Palestine were in a very good shape, no contradiction. But Britain (similarly to its activities during the Crusaders time) blocked this very natural process. Turkey, traditionally having lots of British advisers, also participated in the blockage.
• 1903-08-14 – 1903-08-26: In a continuation of this blockade, British Secretary of State for the Colonies Joseph Chamberlain proposed British Uganda Programme instead of Palestine. All Zionists were against this exile, but they had to consider all the options to save Russian Jews from pogroms, slaughters and massacres. Theodor Herzl made it clear that this British Programme would not affect the ultimate aim of Zionism, but he announced it in Basel. By the way, the place was the Mau plateau in Kenya, not in Uganda.
• 1917-11-02, Balfour Letter: (the word “Declaration” is deceitful). After WW1 (even after 1914-11-09 speech) Britain could not blame Turkey for not-allowing Arab-Jewish Treaty on Jewish Homeland in Palestine. Arab-Jewish relationship was almost perfect, so Britain decided to jump on top of it. Goebbels learned that behavior from Britain and expressed it in such a way: “If you can’t kill some movement, you must take the lead in it!” So Britain proposed itself as a respectable volunteer to prepare a reference letter. Arabs and Jews did not see any problem in that reference and started using it exactly as a reference letter. That’s the true story of Balfour Letter.
• 1917 – present time: Britain is presenting this ordinary reference letter as the royal gift to the Jews and as an executive order. All the Jewish professionals stupidly repeat that extremely harmful disinformation. I’ll explain to you why it is so harmful for the Jews. Fist read the letter: it has no executive part, nothing but quite an ordinary reference letter with “declaration of sympathy” (yes, that’s all what could be corresponded to the word “Declaration”). Despite of these facts and based entirely on the disinformation repeated by the dull Jewish professionals, Anti-Semites use this quite ordinary reference letter as a fake proof of the rape of poor Arabs…
I hope it is understandable now that in order to win it is absolutely necessary to immediately remove this suicidal disinformation from all the Jewish textbooks, from all dull Jewish universities and from all Jewish stupid professional theses (dissertations).
Everybody should understand that Balfour Letter (which is not a declaration even by its form) is just a reference letter, based on the mutual agreement between Jews and Arabs. No place for pitiful stories about dirty rape or unfortunate Arabic kids.
There is no way to save Jerusalem and Israel unless we PROVE in international courts that we are NOT invaders, but the rightful owners of all Palestine! It could and should be done based on the cussently working Intrnational Law. NO OTHER WAY TO SURVIVE EXISTED.
Precisely this way to save Israel (the people and the property) is written in Torah directly, as the commandement unconditionally obligatory to everyone – see mitzvah # 237: . Unfortunately religious Jewish professionals refuse to learn and to fulfill Torah. Instead they perform idolatry to earthborn functionaries and to their deliriums.
Working hard days and nights for many-many years, I made a lot of tremendous discoveries and prepared everything necessary for our complete victory. This work is a good place to start your real education.
• 1919-01-03: The highest official Arab Delegation freely signed the Treaty on Jewish Homeland in Palestine . It stated that all Palestine belongs to the Jews and that Palestine could not be an Arabian State or an Arabian Kingdom. Arabs signed it with Zionist Jews, and there were no contradiction between Arabs and Zionists because Arabs clearly know that Palestine is 100% Jewish land. Even Qur’an mentioned that 15 times without a smallest doubt – see an example:

Qur’an is clearly stating that ALL Palestine belongs to the Jews
(some secular people don’t know that “people lead by Moses”
is the essential definition of the Jews – well, now you know).
The problem is the stupidity of Israeli “strong leaders”: Even to the negotiations they go
without any legal assets, without this one, without many other that God supplied us with.
(some secular people don’t know that “people lead by Moses”
is the essential definition of the Jews – well, now you know).
The problem is the stupidity of Israeli “strong leaders”: Even to the negotiations they go
without any legal assets, without this one, without many other that God supplied us with.
• 1919-03-03: The chief of the Arabian delegation wrote: “We Arabs… look with the deepest sympathy on the Zionist movement. Our deputation here in Paris is fully acquainted with the proposals submitted yesterday by the Zionist Organization to the Peace Conference, and we regard them as moderate and proper. We will do our best, in so far as we are concerned, to help them through; we will wish the Jews a most hearty welcome home”.

• 1920-04-19 San Remo: I have to give you a short lecture with very unique true information because ALL the paid professionals, all their theses, all “recognized by the world professional degrees” are fooled with the forgery, which kills Jewish rights for Jewish land. Following is one of the essential pieces of the truth for which I had to spend many years of “one against the whole world” non-paid scientific research. Britain and France had critical problems with Red Russia. What was even more dangerous, they got too many perilous contradictions between themselves regarding Syria and Mesopotamia. Such critical contradictions had to be resolved without any more delays, so they arranged a conference. San Remo was chosen for its pleasurable April weather. Envoys had only a week total, so actual working time was even less. Therefore only the most critical problems were discussed. Italy and Japan was also invited, but they were very minor players. So Dalmatia was not given to Italy (assigned to Yugoslavia). Therefore Italy had to call itself “mutilated” and gave a lot of screaming, reminding its participation in Entente. So Trento, Trieste, Gorizia, Gradisca, Istria were do given to Italy. Japan got nothing despite of creating as much noise as it could… You got your first impression of what kind if busy place it was. But it’s only an introduction – we did not even touch the main points yet. There were no way to escape from making a decision of what to do with Red Russia. After a lot of conversations these Entente members decided to recognize Red Russia de-facto, but to continue the war with Communism using foreign armies, such as Polish army. The most complicated issues were around their deep contradictions regarding Syria and Mesopotamia… They did not even have time to work properly on the Treaty of Sevres, and therefore Turkey rejected it very easily.
Now you start understanding why nobody in San Remo even touched anything regarding Palestine – they had no time for that! Not to say that France had never been interested in Palestine. So they only mentioned it once in a very general form. That’s it. There is nothing regarding Mandate for Palestine in San Remo. There are still more than two years till the beginning of the work on the Mandate!
This dirty-filthy forgery about Mandate in San Remo is in use to present Jews as the illegal imperialistic hireling who stole Arabian land. Not only vendible British authors like Paul Johnson are used for that (he got US Presidential Medal of Freedom for such dirty betrayals of Israel); not only lawyers like Howard Grief (author of the book “The Legal Foundation and Borders of Israel under International Law”), not only “Office for Israeli Constitutional Law”, but even Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu is widely propagating this killing Israel fraud! See for example page 55 from his book, officially presented to all the world presidents, to all political parties and to all parliaments:

At the same time it is one well-known way to steal Jewish money, so all the paid professionals use it and fight with anything that may disturb their stealing. Israel will never win if you did not stop supporting these thieves, traitors and idiots (or they remorse under your strong pressing).
• 1920-s: Britain found the most terrible convicted felon, Mohammad Amin al-Husayni. He was well-known for his passion to slaughter Armenians and Jews. Britain illegally cleaned up his criminal record and decided to put this bloody felon in charge of Muslims in Palestine, whatever it takes.
• 1921: Britain brought this felon to Jerusalem and run a well-paid campaign to make him the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem. Despite of all the British support this felon completely lost the election – he fall

• 1921: Completely against the Muslim’s will Britain make this ugly felon the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, setting up the bloody terrorism flow in Palestine. Lately, during WW2, this British henchman organized total and very frightful massacre of Slavs in Europe. For this “heroism” he became a very close personal friend of Adolf Hitler…
• 1922-07-24: Mandate for Palestine is created on the base of the Arab-Jewish Treaty, explained above. It has nothing to do with San Remo imperialistic collusions. So the Jews are the rightful owners of all Palestine without possibilities of any counterclaim. Holy Land got faultless future, but Britain immediately started spreading an extremely heavy disinformation about San Remo. Britain also planted total forgery stating that the Mandate is British. I have proved that the Mandate is not British but Jewish – see
• 1922-08 – present time: None of the Jewish lawyers or other Jewish professionals had enough brainpower and knowledge to uncover this disinformation (or all of them are the most harmful traitors of Israel – the choice is yours). Even today all of the professionals insist on this mortal for the Jews disinformation. Despite of the betrayal of all the professionals, despite of their malevolent confrontation, I was able to made tremendous discovery. I found Mandatory law and I proved that the Mandate for Palestine has always being Jewish, never British – see . Britain is only the agent to voluntarily hold all the responsibilities for establishing Jewish home in all Palestine. No ownership, no revenue, no benefits, no change to Jewish rights or to the Jewish land allowed for Britain.
• 1923-05-25: Britain feloniously stole 76% of Jewish land and gave it to the British spy in Turkish parliament Abdullah bin al-Hussein.
• 1927-03: Winston Churchill stated: “If I were an Italian, I would be a Fascist” – quoted from the Senate speech of Burton K. Wheeler, U.S. Senator from Montana – see “Vital Speeches of the Day”, vol. VII, pp.447-448, delivered in the Senate 1941-03-20.

• 1928-09-28: Right after this dirty provocation British gave command to their felon henchman, Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, to start big Anti-Jewish campaign (yes, he was rather quiet for seven years, preparing for this British command).
• 1928: As their own part of that maleficent Anti-Jewish campaign, British issued an edict that the Wailing Wall (the last remaining part of the Jewish Solomon’s Temple) is a Muslim property.
• 1929-08-15: During the fasting of Tisha B’Av (day of wailing for the destroyed Temple) Jews had a very peaceful approved meeting by the Wailing Wall. No complication was created by the Jews.
• 1929-08-16: Despite of the no-problem current status, on the very next day British once again organized beating of the Jews and burning of the Torah’s scrolls by the Wailing Wall. The British police post, established at that place just 10 days prior, was happy to laugh observing that barbarous vandalism against innocent Jews. No doubt British police got clear command not to interfere with the pogrom.
• 1929-08-16: The number of eye-witnesses was enormous, but British acting High Commissioner Harry Luke announced: “no prayer books had been burnt, but only pages of prayer books”. This wayBritain gave the green light for all the Anti-Jewish riots, and the main wave of bloody terrorism started.
• 1929-08-17: The following day young Sephardic Jew Abraham Mizrachi was stabbed with a big knife. He died in the throes on the next day. It is very symbolical that British interventionists and their henchmen started massive Jewish massacre from a local Jew who lived all his live in Jerusalem.
• 1929-08-18: The boy’s funeral was suppressed by the same force that had been employed in the massacre. The same British acting High Commissioner Harry Luke refuses to end the Anti-Jewish violence in Jerusalem.
• 1929-08-23: In less than a week all the criminals around Jerusalem received that clear British message, and thousands of them streamed to Jerusalem for a biggest pogrom ever. The Jews had to close and barricade their shops since 9:30 AM on that threatening day.
• 1929-08-23: The same British acting High Commissioner Harry Luke called his henchmen Grand Mufti of Jerusalem. Nobody knows what they were talking about, but in a result the Mufti leads the mob. He initiated the rumors that two Muslims had been killed by Jews. Muslims started attacking the Jews all over Jerusalem. The violence quickly spread throughout Palestine…
• 1929: Britain allowed 1764 Arabs and only 321 Jews in the British Police. Even so the Jewish policemen were ordered to stay in offices during these pogroms. While a number of Jews were being killed at the Jaffa Gate, British Police have done nothing to stop pogroms.
• 1929-08-24: British henchmen killed 67 Jews in Hebron, and Hebron’s Arabs saved 600 Jews. Arabs were so mush indignant of this massacre, so for the next two years none of Jews were killed by Arabs, but Britain continues to kill Jews on regular (for them) daily basis.
• 1929-08-27: By that day many dozens of Jews were killed in Safed, Motza, Kfar Uria, Hebron, Jerusalem and Tel Aviv. 17 Jews were killed only in the Jerusalem area; 67 Jews were killed in Hebron. Hundreds of Jews were badly wounded…
• 1929, Who are the true Palestinians: 59 football teams were registered in FIFA for Palestine. 11 of them were non-Jewish and none of the non-Jewish teams wanted to be called “Palestinian” because everybody knows – Palestine is 100% Jewish brand. Only Shimon Ratner’s all-Jewish team obtained the name “Palestine National Football Team”. You’ll see more on this throughout this work.
• 1930-10-01: British invaders issued Passfield White Paper, where illegally limited Jewish rights to go to the confirmed by all the nations Jewish land of Palestine. Many other Anti-Jewish illegal rules were established there.
• 1930: As I mentioned above, Arabs were so mush indignant of the Hebron massacre that they started actively protecting Jews, and for the whole year of 1930 not a single Jew was killed by Arabs. Only Britain continues to kill Jews regularly.
• 1931: Similarly, Arabs were so mush indignant of the Hebron massacre that they continue actively protecting Jews, and for the whole year of 1931 not a single Jew was killed by Arabs. Sure, Britain continues to kill Jews…
• 1934-03-14: All-Jewish Zionistic “Palestine National Football Team” arrived at the Continental hotel in Cairo. The official delegation of the Egyptian Football Federation came to warmly welcome Zionistic Palestinian team.
• 1934-03-16: Zionistic “Palestine national football team” played its very first international game in a friendly Egyptian-Sudanese capital Cairo. Arabic national orchestra was happy to play for the “Palestine National Football Team” the indisputable Palestinian national anthem – Jewish essential Zionistic song “HaTikva”! Muslims were 100% sure – only Zionistic anthem may represent Palestinians.
Unfortunately all the Jewish paid professionals, functionaries and politicians are bought over by Britain. Bought over for their “recognized by the world” diplomas and for corresponding huge salaries. None of them had enough brainpower to recognize and to protect essential Jewish legal assets, presented above. Without these key assets no fighter jets allow us to save Jerusalem.
Paid professionals always fight for administrative power and don’t have brainpower. Not only they can’t find out the truth, not only they don’t understand the source of the problems, but they can’t understand even already created REAL solution, the REAL cure, that is 100% ready for the victory – see .
Paid professionals only know “paid/non-paid” criteria, oversimplified slogans and permanent fighting for personal power, so called “Jewish Leadership” or “Strong Leader”. That has absolutely nothing to do with creating cure for the disease. Therefore doesn’t matter what they want or what they promise. Without real cure made by the real scientist, leaders can only lose each and every strategic battle. That’s why we keep losing our land, allies, positions in the world, essential legal assets, all the informational wars, our lives – everything…
• 1934-04-06: Jewish Zionistic “Palestine national football team” played its second international game. Egyptian Arabs was their contestant again. Therefore Tel-Aviv was chosen for the return game. Fuad I, the King of Egypt and Sudan, sent a warm salutatory telegram to the players of all-Jewish Zionistic Palestinian team.
As you can see now, hate for the Jews and big Arabian terrorism was not established in the Middle East yet. Anti-Jewish hate was known in the somnambular bloody Europe only. Soon Perfidious Albion will export it from Europe to plant it on the Holy Land.
• 1934-1948: British invaders thrown the rightful owners of the Jewish land into concentration camps, abusively build on the Jewish land. One of these concentration camps, namely Atlit, is still existed as a museum. You can go there and see that Britain was dared to establish and to operate chain of concentration camps for the Jews in Jewish Palestine. That was done completely illegally, but none of the Jewish lawyers had enough brainpower to discover the legal basis to call Britain into the courts to defend Jews and Jewish rights.
Here is the victorious legal basis: . Famous Ze’ev Jabotinsky and Menahem Begin were licensed lawyers, but they only played Boy Scout war games and violated their direct responsibilities (not to mention that Jabotinsky plaid Masonic and other games in Paris). Now with the discovered mighty weaponry we can save Jerusalem and Israel, but the Jewish paid professionals have no brainpower to support it. Jews only pursue brainless slogans and therefore lose one Jewish city after another.

• 1939-05-22: Britain issued MacDonald White Paper, where illegally limited Jewish rights on Jewish land to a level absolutely unheard-of before. British invaders already started hanging Jews…

• 1940-1946: Britain bombed ships with Jewish Holocaust survivors – see and my other articles.
• 1942-02-24: 768 Jewish Holocaust survivors, including 103 children, were martyred to death by Britain. These Jews escaped from Hitler on a ship named “Struma”. They only wanted to be alive, but British High Commissioner for Palestine Sir Harold Alfred MacMichael personally requested to tow them out of Bosporus back to the Black Sea. They were left to die without food, water and fuel…
• 1947-11-29: British university textbooks (all other textbooks are just a blueprint from these) planted sordid forgery namely “UN decision to create Israel”. Corrupted Jewish professionals are cheating you again. UN never made anything good to create Jewish state on Jewish land.
UN Resolution 181(II) only partition Jewish land in another illegal attempt to destroy Jewish rights for Jewish land. That’s all they have done in a completely illegal way, contradictory even to its own (UN’s) Charter. I have to give complete course of lectures regarding what was really done there and what should we do now to recover our essential rights. The problem is the paid Jewish professionals who are doing maximum possible not to let me to uncover the truth about their total betrayal.
• 1948-05-14: Jewish “super-professionals” put so many British perfidies into the Israeli Declaration of Independence, that David Ben-Gurion had to cut the text off, and everybody solemnly signed a completely empty piece of scroll. Lately Ben-Gurion had a big fight for less traitorous text. He won couple of important positions, but unfortunately even he (!) was unable to overcome all the British-poisoned paid professionals. Therefore current Israeli Declaration of Independence is still one of the biggest terrorist bombs, planted under the Jewish state. You can find more in my book or you can schedule my lectures for complete explanation about this matter and what should be done immediately to delouse the foundation of Jewish state.

• 1964 – 1967-06-10: Britain realized that even after the loss of approximately 85% of the territory, confirmed by the Arab-Jewish Treaty and by the Jewish Mandate for Palestine; even in the huge obstruction throughout the world, Israeli people still did not give up. Israelite are still ready for peace and for war.
• 1964 – present time: British Secret Intelligence worked very hard, and they found the way to beat Jews to the death. They decided that if Jews are so positive in their intellect, then they will be completely aidless to their stupidity. Britain started new campaign, based entirely on populism and idiotism of Israeli professionals and strong leaders.

Real scientists for ages call it “Palestinian Talmud” because Palestine is 100% Jewish brand known at least since XIV BC. Romans has nothing to do with it – they call our land “Iudaea” only.
Therefore it’s absolutely irrelevant if nowadays we like Jewish brand “Palestinians” or dislike it. The essential Jewish property is directly assocoated with this brand in all the legal documents. Therefore we should have keep and protected this Jewish brand stronger than any bank or military base, but Jewish lawyers brainlessly rendered to enemies this most powerful legal weapon.
That’s how a new nation of phony owners of our land was created and officially recognised not by enemies, but by Israeli paid professionals! This mortal strategic defeat happened exclusively because of the stupidity of Jewish lawyers, professionals and strong leaders (jarheads).
The salvage of Jerusalem and Israel from new “owners” requires immediate withdrawal of the key legal asset “Palestinians” back to the Jews. It is required whether you like it or not! And don’t be surprised with your bad feelings – medical procedures are always not pleasant. Here is the recuperation manual: .
• 1990 – present time: Nobody else but Britain runs dozens of phony legal persecutions against Israel. Even “lefty” Tzipi Livni can’t now leave Israel because she afraid to get into the British jail. This way Britain paralyzed Israeli Army almost completely.
Silly Israel lawyers surrendered under this main problem. Now the needed legal solution for how to protect our army and our people from British persecutions is created and 100% ready for our complete victory , but disgraceful Israeli lawyers and leaders only trying to defame the Jew who created this REAL way to protect our army, our people and our homeland despite of the betrayal of all these Jewish professionals…
• 2010: Britain announced officially that the Queen is 100% ready to recognize Arab state on the Jewish land…
The decoy in war is a false target, say a wooden fake tank, specifically designed to be mistaken by bomber plane crews to be real. I have to give a complete course of lectures regarding various intellectual decoys used against Jews. Here are just few of the most popular decoys:
We don’t have Mandate for Israel. Only Mandate for Palestine existed. Therefore to yield up to the enemy our key legal asset “Palestine” is the worst betrayal ever. Jews, including a lot of Knesset members, must have lost their brain completely supporting such terrible decoys as “Jordan is Palestine”.
Many also like to say “I advocate that the hostile Arab population be repatriated to Jordan”. That is not just naive childish dream, but an extremely harmful decoy because for such repatriation we will never get an agreement with the King of Jordan, who hates these Arabs.
Only the most evil enemies support such decoys against Israel. That’s what “strong leasers” constantly do, because they all are stupid.
It is time to realize that the true leader, as the true doctor, is the one who is able to understand pathogenesis of the diseases and to fight the real sources of diseases. Not the one who is constantly talking about the most visible symptoms, say Arabian terrorist leaders. Propose killing terrorist leaders? Go and kill as many as you could. Keep killing them till you lose all your men. But tell me two things.
1) What’s the reason to amputate even the big toe,
if the whole leg is in gangrene?
2) What for have you lost our best men if a part of the gangrene is still there?

If you can not kill all these enemies, then you have to shut up the big mouths of all politicians (that’s the easiest part – just boycott all of them and all elections). Then start using your brain and learn already created intellectual weaponry not to brush off symptoms (like hitmen and other cheap expendables), but to beat up the main enemy who run that bloody show – European Anti-Semites. That’s the only option to crash the backbone of the entire system of terrorism. Learn the manual very diligently: .
Start it immediately, while it’s not too late. First learn the true situation and the true history that was stolen from you by the traitorous and vendible paid professionals.
Without understanding of the situation, having no strategy whatsoever, jarheads (strong leaders) propagate the following statement regarding the way to win: “brutal oppression and force”. The key point is: try to prove it with the FACTS OF OUR VICTORY, not with any “opinion”. And don’t mix up crash of an army with the victory. Say, America crashed Iraqi army in a week, and FOR MANY YEARS don’t know what to do with such a “victory”… Also don’t mix up the victory we need with some tactical deviations.
While you are trying to find AT LEAST one fact to support your words, I’ll explain to you the real disposition.
Instead of deep thinking people are listening to big mouth figures, who have oversimplified catchwords, lots of observations, but no understanding whatsoever. They act in a delirium of their minds. That is very visible at least since 1973, but you close your eyes and your mind completely – anything and everything for the idolatry to jarheads (strong leaders).
Here is the adequate picture: In the current situation, when Arabs are no more than cannon fodder in a big bloody game of Europeans, any direct oppression of those cheap expendables not only can not bring us the victory, but ALWAYS creates fatal strategic losses for us. I’ll explain to you how we kill ourselves and our country just by following the oppression recommendations that you believe blindly.
Europeans don’t care about Arab’s lives (definitely less than we do), but as soon as we stick into that oppression shit, Anti-Semites use it against us, and they always smash us completely, because prior to now nobody was able to create any weapon against the REAL enemy.
European Anti-Semites pursue our soldiers and our Knesset members with the court orders and even sue them in criminal courts. Our best generals have to run away from the police like pickpockets. Israeli generals have to run in panic from their battlefields because Jews have never had a brain to realize who the real enemy is. Even after dozens of run away from that main enemy!
As soon as under command of a Strong Leader we start oppressing British cheap expendables (Arabs), the main enemies get an easy option to revoke European and other visas from all Israeli soldiers and citizens. If Europe does this to Israel, then all young people and half of the adults will run away from such a closed ghetto. Israel will be left without army and almost without Jewish citizens. Total collapse, kaput and bloody death of Israel in just a decade… That’s the only result available from “Strong Leadership”.
So not a strong leader is needed, but understanding of the disease and discovery of the cure. Scientific brain is required, not a jarhead. Don’t listen to the propaganda for idiots. We always have more than enough strong leaders. We are in a deep lack of brain.
Never before Israel got a brain to create weaponry against its strategic collapse coming via oppression of that British cheap expendables (Arabs). Never before Jews have a brain at least to realize who the main enemy is. That’s why each big forceful pressure put on local Arabs under “Right-wing Jewish Leadership” finally turns into suffering defeat of more and more Jewish land. Always. All paid professionals are cheating. The truth is quite opposite: All Jewish land was lost under Strong Right-wing Jewish Leadership ONLY!
The stronger Right-wing Jewish Leaders push local Arabs, the more frightening for Israel final result we got! Why? Because:
1) The main enemies stay absolutely intact;
2) They have more than enough of those cheap expendables;
3) The axe over the Jews grows with every push.
This way under Strong Jewish Leadership we have lost such primordial Jewish cities as Jericho, Shechem, Beit-Lechem, Hebron… We are losing our only Jerusalem right now, precisely by the Hebron scenario and under the same commander in chief – Netanyahu.
The mighty armament against the main enemy and against the backbone of terrorism system is created and 100% ready for the victory: . The problem is the professionals who can’t learn new sciences about complicated systems, even when these sciences are created already. Jews still don’t have brain to support the real cure and the only scientist who create intellectual weapon needed for victory. Jews keep screaming old oversimplified slogans that already throw us down into a very deep shit.
Titanic amount of research is performed. Tremendous discoveries are achieved; practical solutions and full size university courses are created. All professionals must take these courses to liquidate ignorance, but they don’t care – they care only about stealing the finance.
New sciences on information and on complicated systems are also created. Humanity has never had access to such a treasure! Only these sciences allow to make one person cleverer than whole Mossad (the proof is in front of you), cleverer than British Secret Intelligence, cleverer than KGB, cleverer than hundreds of institutions constantly spending billions of dollars on Middle East problems! First time in the human history we have real opportunity to improved brainpower drastically, and these courses are also ready for you.
The author is not immortal, and your descendants will accuse you in not picking up these most valuable new sciences. I can’t rape you, people, but I keep trying to teach you at least the solution to the most urgent and the most complicated problem: Salvation of Jerusalem and Israel. I hope some day I will have time to describe my tremendous discoveries in physics, in intellect study, in other sciences.
For the victory first we have to beat that Perfidious Albion by proving in the courts that all its acts of aggressions against Holy Land are illegal literally. I created perfectly unbeatable legal platform for that – see . In a big part it is based on the Mandatory law that I was able to discover.
I believe all the honest British citizens will understand that necessity, because it’s the only chance to save all the good things they have (see more in my book). My own world outlook was seriously improved from just one phrase that I heard from an old English gentleman in my high school time (on a TV, of course). He said: “Our history taught us not to trust our government just because it is government”. Well, it’s time for real English gentlemen to apply what they learned from their history.
Jews should have discovered legal platform to sue and to beat up Perfidious Albion long-long time ago. Unfortunately Jews did not have brain for that. But no doubt even today we yet can knock Perfidious Albion down and win – see the manual for the complete victory . It’s the only way to protect from massive British persecutions the soldiers who protect Israel, as well as the only way to recover all our legal assets and everything else.
We still can win. The only problem again is the idolatry the Jews perform on these paid professionals who are completely bought over for their “recognized by the world” diplomas and by corresponding to these diplomas huge salaries. Let them eat this money, stolen from the Jewish people. Please just stop believing to the idols who don’t even able to know our history, who do nothing but harm, who constantly reiterating all the traitorous British disinformation that kills Israel. Just stop believing into these disgraceful idols and give us a chance to save you and your beloved grandchildren.

Complete courses on how to teach over all these Jewish professionals are prepared. It is possible now to decontaminate their brains, deeply poisoned by British Secret Intelligence Service forgeries. It is possible now to decontaminate and remove all the British forgeries and bombs planted into all university textbooks and into all professional examinational tests.
It is your call now, call of the Jews who want to use the last chance to save Jerusalem and Israel. You pay one of the highest taxes in the world, you pay a lot of charity money for Jewish needs. You have all the rights and all the power to decide how your money should be spent. All other good people who want Justice for the Holy Land can also support our very hard work for the real salvation of Jerusalem.
You have to stop the idolatry on all the functionaries (ironically called professionals) who are not only unable to solve the problems, but don’t even understand what is going on in Middle East.
Israeli Defense Minister already announced officially the strategic defeat and surrender: agreement to divide Jerusalem for the creation of another Arab-Muslim capital. And that’s just a beginning of total collapse of Israel. All because Jews have no brainpower, but flow of stupid slogans, catchwords and endless amount of constantly screaming and stamping Strong Leaders.
It’s time to clearly understand that all of the “professionals” are deeply poisoned from their school time. They were raised on multiple British Secret Intelligence Service forgeries that are mortal for the Jews. Therefore doesn’t matter what these “professionals” want, or what they are trying to do – in a result they are killing Jerusalem and Israel anyway. We see it clearly throughout the history. Netanyahu’s book is a very understandable example, and I have dozens and dozens of other examples how Israeli patriots kill and sink Israel (been positive that they work for Israel). Please also read my .
Don’t believe to all sweet promises endlessly coming from disgraceful politicians. Use your brain, not emotions because even if you like something, it could be the true source of your problems. You may like smoking, but it kills you. You may hate some medication, but it heals you. So to find the real way to the victory in a complicated situation we should be wise, not just go by what we like or dislike.
Unfortunately for us (who pay taxes, not consume them) all the government professionals go by primitive “like/dislike” approach. Therefore they are unable to understand the veritable source of the mortal problems that kills us. Instead of the battle for the truth, paid professionals only know “paid/non-paid” criteria. In a result they got money, but we lose. First we had lost 76% of the Jewish land. Since then, despite of the heroism of the people, we keep losing lives and cities. Since 1973 we have nothing but mortal strategic losses.
Even such primordial Jewish cities as Jericho, Shechem, Beit-Lechem, Hebron are lost. Our only Jerusalem, as well as all Israel, is on a dead road now. Precisely by the Hebron scenario: partition and deprivation; and with the same commander in chief, Netanyahu.
In order to survive we have to fight the disease, not symptoms. Therefore I teach you the epikrisis (the study and the history of the disease), the true enemy, and the cure. Here is the cure in details, short and sufficient: .
It’s useless to fight symptoms. We need to outsmart the disease. Immediately! We have our last chance to save Jerusalem and Israel. It is a must to immediately start supporting the REAL solution and the scientist who created all the real solutions as well as the new and very powerful sciences. Only these sciences allowed to uncover the truth presented above, and only deep knowledge in these sciences give us a chance to win.
Read it slowly and learn it deeply – it is not as easy as to scream stupid slogans and to idolatry political shamans with big mouths, tambourines and big sticks. It’s the real cure that requires brainpower.
Stop losing our resources and our best men listening to the brainless Strong Leaders. We are ready to vanquish the disease now! Support the real cure and the real scientist who created all the solutions and the new very powerful sciences. Do it immediately, while we have what to save. It’s our very last chance to save Jerusalem and Israel.
Yosef Yakov-Lev (c) based on my book ISBN 1448667615
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I’m not a Qur’an advocate. I’m giving you the real way to stop murdering Jews!
Sure, it’s good for Muslims as well. So let it be good for them as well. We are good human beings – here is just an example that I saw few minutes ago:
A message from IDI
April 4, 2011
This amazing video will show you the TRUTH about the middle east conflict. Israel has a right to defend itself and exist, period. Please watch and share with friends to help us tell the world:
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God bless you!
Israel Defence Initiative
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Israel Defence Initiative
Israel’s Never Looked So Good
March 6, 2011
by D Suissa
They warned us. The geniuses at Peace Now warned us. The brilliant diplomats warned us. The think tanks warned us. Even the Arab dictators warned us. For decades now, they have been warning us that if you want “peace in the Middle East,” just fix the Palestinian problem. A recent variation on this theme has been: Just get the Jews to stop building apartments in East Jerusalem and Efrat. Yes, if all those Jews in the West Bank and East Jerusalem would only “freeze” their construction, then, finally, Palestinian leaders might come to the table and peace might break out.
You can preach to me all you want about the great Jewish tradition of self-criticism — which I believe in — but right now, when I see poor Arab souls being murdered for the simple act of protesting on the street, I’ve never felt more proud of being a supporter of the Jewish state.
February 2, 2011 02:32 PM

And what would happen if peace would break out between Jews and Palestinians? Would all those furious Arabs now demonstrating on streets across the Middle East feel any better?
What bloody nonsense.
Has there ever been a greater abuse of the English language in international diplomacy than calling the Israeli-Palestinian conflict the “Middle East peace process?” As if there were only two countries in the Middle East.
Even if you absolutely believe in the imperative of creating a Palestinian state, you can’t tell me that the single-minded and global obsession with the Israeli-Palestinian conflict at the expense of the enormous ills in the rest of the Middle East hasn’t been idiotic, if not criminally negligent.
While tens of millions of Arabs have been suffering for decades from brutal oppression, while gays have been tortured and writers jailed and women humiliated and dissidents killed, the world — yes, the world — has obsessed with the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
As if Palestinians — the same coddled victims on whom the world has spent billions and who have rejected one peace offer after another — were the only victims in the Middle East.
As if the Israeli-Palestinian conflict has anything to do with the 1,000-year-old bloody conflict between Sunni and Shiite Muslims, or the desire of brutal Arab dictators to stay in power, or the desire of Islamist radicals to bring back the Caliphate, or the economic despair of millions, or simply the absence of free speech or basic human rights throughout the Arab world.
While self-righteous Israel bashers have scrutinized every flaw in Israel’s democracy — some waxing hysterical that the Jewish democratic experiment in the world’s nastiest neighborhood had turned into an embarrassment — they kept their big mouths shut about the oppression of millions of Arabs throughout the Middle East.
They cried foul if Israeli Arabs — who have infinitely more rights and freedoms than any Arabs in the Middle East — had their rights compromised in any way. But if a poet were jailed in Jordan or a gay man were tortured in Egypt or a woman were stoned in Syria, all we heard was screaming silence.
Think of the ridiculous amount of media ink and diplomatic attention that has been poured onto the Israel-Palestinian conflict over the years, while much of the Arab world was suffering and smoldering, and tell me this is not criminal negligence. Do you ever recall seeing a UN resolution or an international conference in support of Middle Eastern Arabs not named Palestinians?
Of course, now that the Arab volcano has finally erupted, all those chronic Israel bashers have suddenly discovered a new cause: Freedom for the poor oppressed Arabs of the Middle East!
Imagine if, instead of putting Israel under their critical and hypocritical microscope, the world’s Israel bashers had takenIsrael’s imperfect democratic experiment and said to the Arab world:
Why don’t you try to emulate the Jews?
Why don’t you give equal rights to your women and gays, just like Israel does?
Why don’t you give your people the same freedom of speech and freedom to vote that Israel does? And offer them the economic opportunities they would get in Israel? Why don’t you treat your Jewish and Christian citizens the same way Israel treats its Arab and Christian citizens?
Why don’t you study how Israel has struggled to balance religion with democracy — a very difficult but not insurmountable task?
Why don’t you teach your people that Jews are not the sons of dogs but a noble, ancient people with a 3,000-year connection to the land of Israel?
Yes, imagine if Israel bashers had spent a fraction of their energy fighting the lies of Arab dictators and defending the rights of millions of oppressed Arabs. Imagine if President Obama had taken one percent of the time he has harped on Jewish settlements to defend the democratic rights of Egyptian Arabs — which he is suddenly doing now that the volcano has erupted.
Maybe it’s just easier to beat up on a free and open society like Israel.
Well, now that the cesspool of human oppression in the Arab world has been opened for all to see, how bad is Israel’s democracy looking? Don’t you wish the Arab world had a modicum of Israel’s civil society? Would you still be worrying about “stability in the Middle East?”
In New Book, Grave Robbing and Other Stories of Poles’ Complicity
February 27, 2011
Gazeta Wyborcza
‘Golden Harvest’: Polish peasants with skeletal remains at Treblinka, where Gross said they dug for gold and jewels in the killing fields. Gross said the photograph was the starting point for his new book.
By Donald Snyder
Published February 23, 2011, issue of March 04, 2011.
Jan Gross is once again forcing Poland to take a new look at its past.The Polish-American historian, whose previous books generated heated controversy and self-examination, has written a searing new indictment of Polish behavior toward Jews during World War II.
“Golden Harvest,” a new book by Gross and his former wife, Irena Grudzinska-Gross, charges that some Poles tried to profit from the Holocaust by digging for gold and jewels in the killing fields at Treblinka, the Nazi death camp where Germans murdered more than 800,000 Jews.
The book, which will be published in Poland on March 10, also accuses Poles of looting Jewish property.
“Poles accepted the fact that Jews were going to be destroyed,” Gross, a Princeton University historian, said in a telephone interview with the Forward. “The Poles participated in the murder of Jews, and this was done all over the country.”
In response, some of Poland’s right-wing media have branded Gross as anti-Polish.
“Jan Tomasz Gross has earned the deserved name of an untiring enemy of Poland and Poles. A swindler and a cheat,” Jerzy Robert Nowak wrote in the February 2 edition of Niedziela, a Roman Catholic publication distributed in churches.
“There is no place in Gross’s book for decent Poles, not an example,” complained a writer in the far-right tabloid Nasz Dziennik. “He only describes barbarians and villains. The purpose of the book is to make the American elite see Poles the way Jan Gross sees them.”
When asked about criticism of his work and about the allegations that he is anti-Polish, Gross responded gruffly: “This is all nonsense.”
Gross, who was born in Poland shortly after World War II, is no stranger to Polish readers. Born to a Jewish father and a Catholic mother, he fled his native country in 1968 because of an anti-Semitic campaign conducted by the Communist Party.
Gross has published two other books whose negative images of Poles provoked anger in the country of his birth.
“Neighbors: The Destruction of the Jewish Community in Jedwabne, Poland,” published in 2001, investigated the 1941 massacre of about 1,600 Jewish villagers by their Polish neighbors. Poles were outraged when a government commission confirmed Gross’s findings.
A later book, “Fear: Anti-Semitism in Poland After Auschwitz,” published in 2006, asserted that Poles persecuted and murdered Jewish survivors.
Despite the controversy over “Golden Harvest,” Gross is not the first scholar to bring to light the Polish conduct at Treblinka. “The book is a synthesis of information uncovered by young Polish scholars,” said Michal Bilewicz, director of the University of Warsaw’s Center for Research on Prejudice. Bilewicz, who read a review copy of the book, said during a phone interview with the Forward that this information is little known outside Poland.
Gross acknowledges getting much of his material from Polish scholars who have conducted “excellent work” about Polish-Jewish relations during the war. “Much of this material has not been published in English, and it adds to our knowledge of Polish complicity in the murder of Jews,” he said.
The book also includes a photograph of Polish peasants at the edge of the gravesite at Treblinka, which previously had been published only in Gazeta Wyborcza, a leading Polish daily newspaper.
According to Bilewicz, Gross said in the book that the Polish behavior at Treblinka was criminal and abhorrent, but not inspired by anti-Semitism. “Gross says in the book that all of us are capable of committing the same crimes — if faced with the starvation the peasants experienced,” Bilewicz said.
Martyna Rusiniak-Karwat, a Warsaw University historian and author of a book on Treblinka, gave “Golden Harvest” a mixed review. “He based his book on work done by others, and used sources only selectively, including mine,” she told the Forward in a phone interview, through an interpreter.
Rusiniak-Karwat, who comes from a village about 20 miles from Treblinka, told the Polish daily Rzeczpospolita that as a child, she heard stories about Poles looking for gold that belonged to Jews murdered at Treblinka.
“When I started my research,” she said, “I found records on digging the mass graves, and that was shocking to me. I know they were searching the graves, but I didn’t have the slightest idea they went that far.” Her book “Extermination Camp Treblinka 2 in Social Memory, 1943–1989” was published in 2008.
“The peasants didn’t think of the place as a Jewish graveyard.” Rusiniak-Karwat said. “They were driven by the desire to reap a profit. They were depraved and deprived of all normal standards.”
Amid the anger Gross’s book has provoked, his inclusion of the photograph purporting to show Polish peasants searching for valuables among the dead has been especially provocative. The photograph, of which the origins are uncertain, first appeared in the January 8, 2008, edition of Gazeta Wyborcza.
Konstanty Gebert, a columnist for the newspaper, told the Forward in an e-mail: “There is a controversy about that photo and Gross acknowledges it. The photo either represents diggers, or people who were collecting human remains for future disposal.”
Rusniak-Karwat raised similar doubts. “Jan Gross used the picture as his primary evidence,” she said. “And we know little about its origin.”
Gross said he first saw the picture in Gazeta Wyborcza and learned that it had been given to a museum at Treblinka in the 1960s by an employee of a local railroad station. The photograph was the starting point for his book.
“On the surface, it appears to be a very banal photograph,” he said. “But when you realize that the crops in front of [the peasants] are not beets or potatoes but skulls and bones, that is a very freaky experience,” he observed.
Znak, the book’s Roman Catholic publisher in Krakow, acknowledged receiving many e-mails denouncing publication of the book.
Henryk Wozniakowski, president of Znak, said at a news conference in Warsaw on February 8 that the book was being published to “revise our memory and confront it with historical truth.” He said charges that the book is anti-Polish are groundless, and that profits from its sale will be donated to charity. “We don’t consider this book a business project,” he noted. The first printing will be 50,000 copies.
But the controversy over the book has also sparked internal conflict at the publishing company. Znak Director Danuta Skora said at the same news conference that she was opposed to publishing the book. According to a report in Gazeta Wyborcza, she called the book “unjust” and apologized to Poles who were hurt by its allegations.
The book hits a raw nerve because Poles believe they acted honorably during the brutal German occupation. Six million Polish citizens — half of them Jews — were killed during the war, and the Polish Underground performed courageously, including during the 1944 Warsaw Uprising. And Poland has had more citizens honored as Righteous Gentiles at Yad Vashem than any other European country. This is part of the Polish identity.
“Poles regard themselves as innocent victims of history and find it difficult to concede they may be something else,” Gebert said.
The chief rabbi of Poland, Michael Schudrich, gave this assessment: “There is no way to justify what happened, but the people who were going into the graves were very hungry. We have to think of what the times were then. It was starvation. Did they do this because the victims were Jewish, or did they do it because they thought they could find something to feed their families?”
An English edition of the book is scheduled for publication in August.
Contact Donald Snyder at
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WikiLeaks exposes Obama
February 25, 2011Op-ed: Leaked documents refute US President Obama’s fundamental assumptions
Yoram Ettinger
Recently published Wikileaks documents expose the failure of President Obama’s counter-terrorism policy. While reaffirming a 1,400 years old Muslim track record, the documents refute Obama’s fundamental assumptions, which have shaped his counter-terrorism policy: that the Palestinian issue is a root cause of Middle East turbulence and anti-Western terrorism; that Saudi Arabia and Pakistan are allies of the US; that there is no Islamic terrorism since Islam promotes peace and not terrorism; that there is no Jihadist terrorism since Jihad is a process which purifies the soul; that there is no global terrorism; that Islamic terrorists represent a Muslim minority which rejects modernity and that Islam has always been part of the American story. According to the documents, Islamic terrorism has afflicted the globe from Latin America through the US and overseas American targets, Western Europe, the former USSR, Africa, the Middle East (hitting mostly fellow-Muslims), South Asia, the Far East and Australia. The worldwide proliferation of Islamic terrorism is orchestrated and executed, also, by multi-lingual graduates of Western universities, who proficiently use the Internet, Blackberry, iPod, Twitter and Facebook. Contrary to Obama’s assumption, modern-day Islamic terrorists do not reject modernity. In fact, they leverage modernity in order to advance Islam’s historical values and goals. They believe that Islam’s destiny of religious and territorial domination of the globe is divinely-ordained. And, they pursue their goals via violence, intolerance toward “infidels” and “apostates,” totalitarianism and “Holy Wars” (Jihad) against civilizations and entities that undermine their megalomaniac aspirations, which transcend the Palestinian issue and Israel’s policies or existence. Irrespective of the Palestinian issue and the Arab-Israeli conflict, Muslim terrorists operate along the joint border of Brazil, Paraguay and Argentina, as well as in San Paulo, Foz do Iguacu and Parana, Brazil. Independent of Israel’s policies and existence, the Lashkar-E-Taiba, Jaish-E-Mohammed and other Islamic terrorist organizations – operating with the backing of Pakistan – target India. Moreover, Lashkar-E-Taiba expands its presence in Pakistan – where it collaborates with the Inter Services Intelligence – Sri Lanka and Nepal in order to intensify terrorism in India. Tailwind to terroristsAccording to WikiLeaks – quoting a December 2009 Secretary of State Clinton memo – Saudi Arabia (especially), Kuwait, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates are the chief financial supporters of global Islamic Sunni terrorism, such as al-Qaeda, Taliban and Lashkar –E-Taiba, raising funds for terrorism through seemingly philanthropic organizations during pilgrimages to Mecca.The May 31, 2010 edition of The Sunday Times reported that Afghanistan’s financial intelligence unit, FinTraca, documented a $1.5 billion transfer from Saudi Arabia to Afghani terrorists, mostly Taliban. The British daily asked: “One wonders how much of this money was used to buy weapons that killed 1,268 American soldiers and maimed thousands more in Afghanistan?!” Undersecretary of the Treasury for Financial and Terrorism Intelligence, Stuart Levey, testified at an October 6, 2009 Senate Banking Committee hearing that “money is leaving Saudi Arabia to fund terrorism…Undoubtedly, some of that money is going to Iraq, to South-East Asia and to any other place where there are terrorists…” For example, the Riyadh-based al-Rajhi Bank was implicated in funding the Islamic Chechen Mujahedeen. Saudi involvement in anti-Western Islamic terrorism was also reported in 2009 by Pakistan’s police, including a $15 million transfer to Jihadists who were involved in the murder of former Pakistan Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto. A November 15, 2010 report by the US Government Accountability Office (GAO), a US Congress investigative unit, maintained that Saudi Arabia made progress in curbing terror-funding within the kingdom but did not cooperate in de-funding Islamic terrorism outside the kingdom. Saudi-funded Islamic non-profit foundations – with direct and indirect ties to terror organizations – proliferate globally. The first foundation, the Muslim World League was established in 1962, five years before the Six-Day War, before the first settlement was established, while Jordan and Egypt occupied parts of Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and Gaza and the Palestinian issue did not preoccupy Western However, President Obama has overlooked the fact that those who finance and incite terrorism are more culpable than the brainwashed terrorists who execute terrorism. President Obama has subordinated counter-terrorism to wishful thinking, oversimplification, misreading of the writing on the wall and a series of wrong assumptions, such as a supposed linkage between the Palestinian issue and countering-Islamic terrorism and preventing Iran’s nuclearization. Thus, wrong assumptions have produced wrong policies, which have yielded tailwind to terrorists and rogue regimes and headwind to Western democracies. |
Rahm Emanuel elected mayor of Chicago
February 24, 2011
Former aide to Barack Obama overwhelms five rivals to take the helm of the third-largest US city
- Paul Harris in New York
-, Wednesday 23 February 2011 08.18 GMT

Rahm Emanuel, the former top aide to Barack Obama, has become the new mayor of Chicago.
With 88% of precincts finished counting in America’s third largest city, Emanuel had a commanding leading of 55%; a long way ahead of his nearest rival, the former Chicago schools president Gery Chico, on 24%.
Emanuel needed to win the race by 50% or more to avoid a run-off election and capture City Hall at his first try. He has done that easily despite the election for the mayor’s office once being seen as the most competitive in a generation.
“Thank you Chicago for this humbling victory,” a smiling Emanuel told supporters at his victory rally in the city. “You sure know how to make a guy feel at home.
“It is easy to find differences but we can never allow them to become divisions. Tonight we are moving forward in the only way we truly can. Together. As one city with one future.
“It’s you. It’s the hard-working, plain-speaking folks who share a love for their city and a determination to keep it strong. I share that love and I am determined with your help to meet our challenges head on and to make a great city even greater.”
Chicago’s political machinery is notorious within American politics and this last race was the first in 64 years not to feature an incumbent candidate. Since 1989 the spot was held by Emanuel’s predecessor Richard M Daley, who never faced a serious challenge and was known as King Richard.
But Emanuel’s seeming outsider status wasn’t borne out by his well-funded campaign, with his war chest dwarfing those of his rivals.
It showed the benefits of Emanuel’s time as the president’s chief of staff in Washington where he gained national prominence on the back of an image as a tough-talking and foul-mouthed operative who rarely took prisoners.
That reputation was hardly a disadvantage in Chicago where rough and tumble politics are the norm. The main threat to Emanuel’s victory during the campaign came not from any candidate at the ballot box but from a protracted legal fight aimed at proving he did not have the right residency qualifications for the race.
Emanuel eventually triumphed in court but only after an appeal.
The former Congressman from the city and native Chicagoan has often said that the chance to become mayor was a “dream job” and the only reason he would leave the White House. But he is now faced with the realities of wielding civic power in one of America’s biggest cities.
Across America local governments are facing deep budget cuts in the wake of the Great Recession. Chicago is no exception. City finances are stretched and ways of raising fresh revenue are being squeezed. There is a projected shortfall in the city budget of some £1bn and an unemployment rate of almost 9%. Chicago’s police force is stretched and short of funds and there is a serious crime problem, especially in the city’s traditionally black southside neighbourhoods.
With 88% of precincts finished counting in America’s third largest city, Emanuel had a commanding leading of 55%; a long way ahead of his nearest rival, the former Chicago schools president Gery Chico, on 24%.
Emanuel needed to win the race by 50% or more to avoid a run-off election and capture City Hall at his first try. He has done that easily despite the election for the mayor’s office once being seen as the most competitive in a generation.
“Thank you Chicago for this humbling victory,” a smiling Emanuel told supporters at his victory rally in the city. “You sure know how to make a guy feel at home.
“It is easy to find differences but we can never allow them to become divisions. Tonight we are moving forward in the only way we truly can. Together. As one city with one future.
“It’s you. It’s the hard-working, plain-speaking folks who share a love for their city and a determination to keep it strong. I share that love and I am determined with your help to meet our challenges head on and to make a great city even greater.”
Chicago’s political machinery is notorious within American politics and this last race was the first in 64 years not to feature an incumbent candidate. Since 1989 the spot was held by Emanuel’s predecessor Richard M Daley, who never faced a serious challenge and was known as King Richard.
But Emanuel’s seeming outsider status wasn’t borne out by his well-funded campaign, with his war chest dwarfing those of his rivals.
It showed the benefits of Emanuel’s time as the president’s chief of staff in Washington where he gained national prominence on the back of an image as a tough-talking and foul-mouthed operative who rarely took prisoners.
That reputation was hardly a disadvantage in Chicago where rough and tumble politics are the norm. The main threat to Emanuel’s victory during the campaign came not from any candidate at the ballot box but from a protracted legal fight aimed at proving he did not have the right residency qualifications for the race.
Emanuel eventually triumphed in court but only after an appeal.
The former Congressman from the city and native Chicagoan has often said that the chance to become mayor was a “dream job” and the only reason he would leave the White House. But he is now faced with the realities of wielding civic power in one of America’s biggest cities.
Across America local governments are facing deep budget cuts in the wake of the Great Recession. Chicago is no exception. City finances are stretched and ways of raising fresh revenue are being squeezed. There is a projected shortfall in the city budget of some £1bn and an unemployment rate of almost 9%. Chicago’s police force is stretched and short of funds and there is a serious crime problem, especially in the city’s traditionally black southside neighbourhoods.
From India with love
February 18, 2011
From India with love
Study on behalf of Foreign Ministry ranks India, US as most pro-Israel countriesItamar Eichner
The greatest level of sympathy towards Israel can be found in India, according to international study on behalf of the Foreign Ministry, Yedioth Ahronoth reported Friday. According to the study, which was unprecedented in scope and was undertaken by an international market research company, 58% of Indian respondents showed sympathy to the Jewish State. The United States came in second, with 56% of American respondents sympathizing with Israel. The study was undertaken as part of the “Branding Israel” project and aimed at looking into Israel’s international stature at what researchers characterized as the world’s 13 most important countries, including the US, Canada, Britain, France, China, and Russia. A total of 5,215 people took part in the study. Other countries that showed significant sympathy to Israel included Russia (52%) Mexico (52%) and China (50%). At the bottom of the list, the study ranked Britain (34%) France (27%) and Spain (23%) as the least sympathetic countries towards Israel. Videos make a differenceAs part of the study, participants were asked a series of questions and were instructed to grade their level of sympathy of Israel on a 1-10 scale. Later, participants were presented with several branding videos on Israel, before being asked more questions in order to see whether their opinions changed after watching the clips.After watching the videos, a total of 51% of all respondents said their views on Israel changed for the better. The percentage of respondents who perceived Israel as an aggressive state subsequently dropped from 35% to 21%. Meanwhile, the percentage of respondents who perceived Israel as a creative country rose from 24% to 40% after watching the clips. |
Intel invests $2.7 billion in its Israeli chip facility
February 9, 2011![]() |
By Karin Kloosterman
February 06, 2011
February 06, 2011
The 22-nanometer technology that promises to make computers faster, smaller and lighter is coming out of an Intel Israel plant in Kiryat Gat.

Intel Israel’s Kiryat Gat chip manufacturing facility.
In an unstable business environment, where US companies are scaling back and weathering bad times, Intel has made a surprising business move. The chipmaker announced in January that it will invest $2.7 billion in its Israeli plant in southern Israel, which will produce next-generation 22-nanometer chips.
It is expected that 22-nanometer technology will make our computers faster, smaller and lighter.
Not willing to elaborate on what exactly this will mean for our everyday lives, Intel Israel’s spokesman Koby Bahar tells ISRAEL21c that “it will be the most advanced technology” available.
The investment is earmarked for upgrading the technology, and not for enlarging the existing fabrication plant, he stresses.
Bahar notes that Intel has also made new investments in the United States and has spent $500 million to re-open a facility in Ireland. Adding Israel to its investment plans just makes business sense.
“Intel decided to invest here because it’s worthwhile,” he says. “Because we have a good record for Israel and Intel.”
US tech trends business magazine Fast Company provides another angle on this development: “The move reduces Intel’s exposure to the vagaries of Far East economies and risk of earthquake interference with production.”
The total amount includes $210 million from the Israeli government. Over the 25 years that Intel has been manufacturing chips in Israel, it has earned $1.2 billion in grants from the Israeli government.
Relying on Israel’s skilled workforce
Currently, Intel produces processors that run more than 80 percent of the world’s personal computers. If you own a PC, chances are a part of it was produced in or developed in Israel.
The core business in Israel is processors that run the central processing units (CPUs) in PCs. “Dealing with advanced technology, we have to hire skilled people. People working here have very high skill sets, education and experience,” says Bahar.

It is expected that 22-nanometer technology will make our computers faster, smaller and lighter.
Not willing to elaborate on what exactly this will mean for our everyday lives, Intel Israel’s spokesman Koby Bahar tells ISRAEL21c that “it will be the most advanced technology” available.
The investment is earmarked for upgrading the technology, and not for enlarging the existing fabrication plant, he stresses.
Bahar notes that Intel has also made new investments in the United States and has spent $500 million to re-open a facility in Ireland. Adding Israel to its investment plans just makes business sense.
“Intel decided to invest here because it’s worthwhile,” he says. “Because we have a good record for Israel and Intel.”
US tech trends business magazine Fast Company provides another angle on this development: “The move reduces Intel’s exposure to the vagaries of Far East economies and risk of earthquake interference with production.”
The total amount includes $210 million from the Israeli government. Over the 25 years that Intel has been manufacturing chips in Israel, it has earned $1.2 billion in grants from the Israeli government.
Relying on Israel’s skilled workforce
Currently, Intel produces processors that run more than 80 percent of the world’s personal computers. If you own a PC, chances are a part of it was produced in or developed in Israel.
The core business in Israel is processors that run the central processing units (CPUs) in PCs. “Dealing with advanced technology, we have to hire skilled people. People working here have very high skill sets, education and experience,” says Bahar.

Intel Israel’s “green” Development Center in Haifa.
The employees at Intel Israel, under the supervision of general manager Maxine Fassberg, were reportedly very happy about the news. A strong year for Intel bodes well for them too, with each of the 7,057 employees earning a bonus of 3.2 months’ salary for their work in 2010 – a year in which Intel’s fourth-quarter earnings grew by eight percent from the previous year to $11.5 billion, and net profit grew by 167% to $11.7 billion.
According to news reports, each employee will earn at least a $10,000 bonus, on top of a pay raise. In more good news, Intel Israel expects to hire an additional 1,000 employees over the next year.
Starting Feb 28, the company will move from 45-nanometer to 22-nanometer chips. Fassberg said the Kiryat Gat plant is the second Intel facility in the world to produce these tiny chips.
Powering the next-generation
In other Intel Israel news, the latest “Sandy Bridge” microarchitecture for next-generation PCs, developed at the Haifa R&D center, has drawn a great deal of attention. Sandy Bridge, unveiled at the recent Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas following four years of development work by 1,000 engineers, will also help Intel PCs and laptops compete with tablets.
Meanwhile, tech geeks are waiting to see what Intel Israel’s new Netbook processor, the Cedarview, will be like. Developed at Intel Israel’s Jerusalem center, this is expected to lead the next generation of Intel’s Atom processor.
Intel Israel is also working on Light Peak, which will enable a high-speed data transfer rate of 10-gigahertz between computer and screen or between computer and storage device over a single wire. The end result? Thinner computers with fewer connections.
Intel Israel, operating since 1974, was the company’s first development center outside the United States. It has facilities based in Haifa, Jerusalem, Kiryat Gat, Yakum and Petach Tikva.
According to news reports, each employee will earn at least a $10,000 bonus, on top of a pay raise. In more good news, Intel Israel expects to hire an additional 1,000 employees over the next year.
Starting Feb 28, the company will move from 45-nanometer to 22-nanometer chips. Fassberg said the Kiryat Gat plant is the second Intel facility in the world to produce these tiny chips.
Powering the next-generation
In other Intel Israel news, the latest “Sandy Bridge” microarchitecture for next-generation PCs, developed at the Haifa R&D center, has drawn a great deal of attention. Sandy Bridge, unveiled at the recent Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas following four years of development work by 1,000 engineers, will also help Intel PCs and laptops compete with tablets.
Meanwhile, tech geeks are waiting to see what Intel Israel’s new Netbook processor, the Cedarview, will be like. Developed at Intel Israel’s Jerusalem center, this is expected to lead the next generation of Intel’s Atom processor.
Intel Israel is also working on Light Peak, which will enable a high-speed data transfer rate of 10-gigahertz between computer and screen or between computer and storage device over a single wire. The end result? Thinner computers with fewer connections.
Intel Israel, operating since 1974, was the company’s first development center outside the United States. It has facilities based in Haifa, Jerusalem, Kiryat Gat, Yakum and Petach Tikva.
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